Ethics Policy


All content writers are expected to provide accurate, complete, and timely information without any bias. For personal opinions, the article should be properly labeled under the “Opinion” section.




Content writers should provide credits (and seek permission where needed) to any information, image, or data taken from external sources in the article. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of employment.


All decisions related to content are taken by the editorial team without any influence from the management. Writers are expected to strive for unbiased and honest reporting.

Conflict of Interest:

Content writers may not cover stories or topics in which they have a vested financial or personal interest. For additional information, employees should consult a senior editor or staff member.

Reimbursement Policy:

All expenses incurred for news sourcing can be reimbursed by submitting the invoice within 2 business weeks. Expenses may include, but are not limited to meals, drinks, accommodation, transportation, etc.

Gifts / Services:

We do not accept gifts or services from business partners or other sources. Any preferential treatment that may present a conflict of interest is prohibited. A few exceptions to this policy include complimentary meals during a business meeting or press event.

Social Media:

Employees should use their best judgment and separate their personal opinions from work when using social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.